Monday, January 31, 2011

What will He make me?

I was working on one of my Bible studies today. This particular one is about John and it is a Beth Moore study. I have just started it and in the homework we are learning about when Jesus called John to be His disciple.

"'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men'" Mark 1:17

Beth goes on to say..."I am convinced that one part of that sentence applies to every person Jesus Christ calls: "Come, follow me, and I will make you..."

Jesus calls to me. He says, "Come, follow me, learn about me, rely on me, love me, talk to me, think about me, and I will make you..."

Doesn't that just open up so many possibilities. When I first stopped and thought about it, I said "OK, I want you to make me this... a good mother, someone who knows what to say, a better wife, more compassionate, less afraid to talk about you, make me someone that people would want to look upon, and while we are at it...why don't you make me prettier, smarter, funnier, you know, all that appealing stuff. Yeah, this all sounds good to me.

There it is again. If you read that last paragraph over, you see "me" all over it. I might as well have said me, me, me, me, me, me, and more me. Basically, my earlier statements say... "Make ME better and then I can do everything for you.

What am I thinking?!?!? Why would I want anything to do with me?!? I am so imperfect. I say all the wrong things. I do all the wrong things.

So, after my first reaction, here is my prayer:

"Come, follow me, Jesus said, "and I will make you...."

"I will follow, Lord. Please make me less of me and more of YOU!!"

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this's so dead on! I am going to try to pray that myself every day! I need less of me, more of Him for you. Shae Shae
