Thursday, February 25, 2010

Percy Jackson teaches me a lesson

The other night I was finishing "The Last Olympian" and started thinking. Scary, I know. In this book and in a lot of other books like it there are prophecies that are spoken about the future. Most of the time when I read them I think I know exactly how everything will end. Some times I just go "huh?" Anyway, while reading about Percy I was right where the author wanted me. I read the prophecy and took it at face value. I thought I knew what each character would do and how the actions taken by the characters would affect the ending of the story. The end was basically what I expected but the events that got us there was not at all what I expected. These events leading to the end were important and exciting and even though not how I imagined the outcome it was just how I wanted it to end. I don't want to ruin the story for anyone but I will tell you what Percy Jackson taught me.

When I thought about my future I knew basically what I wanted and I thought I knew how I would get it. I always thought I would be lucky enough that the first man I really dated would be the man of my dreams. Boy I couldn't have been more wrong. I did meet the man of my dreams but the events leading up to meeting him were not what I thought would happen. I believe that God knew I would need that HORRIBLE relationship so that I could appreciate the man he had ready for me. What I have now is more than I ever thought I would have.

Once we were married, I knew what would happen. We would travel and enjoy being together and then when we were ready we would start a family. I, like everyone else, had the idea that I would immediately get pregnant and life would be wonderful. This also didn't happen like I planned. Now we are adopting. This isn't the way I pictured building a family but the end result is the same. I might not be pregnant but I am just as excited and the same questions and fears are running through my head. Just like any mother, I love this child before having seen her. I can't wait until she is here with her parents.

Just like in Percy Jackson, I felt like I had a "prophecy" laid out for my life. Just like in Percy Jackson, it didn't turn out like he or I expected but I am glad that it didn't. I am so thankful that God is the author and He knows how the story will end. I want to enjoy the exciting and wonderful story that God has written for me.

I pray that others will realize that sometimes God wants to give us great things. It just may not be in the way we expect to receive them.


  1. It isn't always easy, but when I look at God's magnificent creation, I find it hard to doubt that His creation and design on our lives is going to be any less than the best!

    Congrats on getting the paperwork mailed off!


  2. GIRLIE....You have such a sweet nature about you. I'm so glad you are able to see the BIG picture that the BIG guy upstairs has for you. Sometimes, I get so frustrated because things don't happen the way I WANT them to happen....but then later on, down the road, after a few bumps and bruises, something even BETTER than I expected is presented to me like a little gift, with bow and all.

    This is your gift sweetie and once that sweet angel is here....we're all going to love her and be SO incredibly happy for you. Just as if you carried her for 9 (10) months and went through all the chaos of pregnancy. :) If you ask me, the trip to Rwanda, the waiting, the paperwork, the home-study, and everything else IS labor. So at least you're going to experience that! haha

    We love you and we're SOOO proud of you and Paul. You're gonna be two of the best parents in the whole wide world. Not just because you're YOU, but because of the journey you've taken to get this precious little girl. :) Love ya!
