Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We got our first number!!


OK, OK, I know this seems like a big number to some of you, but here's the deal. The fact that we even have a number means our paperwork was accepted and registered in Rwanda. This is the ultimate conformation that everything is done and in order. We thought that we would actually have a bigger number so 136 is good with us. This information immediately resulted in songs being created starring the number 136 and a little bit of bouncing around the house.

We still don't really know a timeline. They are working on the dossiers but no one really knows how fast it will go. I just keep praying that if it doesn't mess up God's plan, I would prefer that He speed it along.

So, we got some information, but not a ton. Let's all just keep praying!


  1. Yeah!!! I'm so excited for you!! I would cry, but I'm at work and my kids are coming back from comoputer soon :) What is your DTR date? Just so I can compare :) we're 9/1/10 with an arrival date of 9/6/10. The DTR is the date it left the country I think. Oh, SO happy for you!!!

  2. Our dossier was mailed on 9/7/10 and it was registered on 9/13/10.

    I can't remember do you guys have a number yet?

  3. We were the day after you, so we must be around there too. I big number, but a number nonetheless:) Yippee for everyone!!!

  4. YAY!!! Even thought I don't really know what this is, you are excited, so I am excited!!!! Can't wait to hear all about 136!

  5. Carrie, a fellow blogger & Rwanda adopt friend just gave me your blog link (so excited to have more blogs to read)! We just got our number today... 143! And I could care less that it's the largest number I've seen yet-lol! I'm just happy, like you, to be in the line up! Congratulations!

  6. I say we always make up songs to the new number each month...I'm thinking I'm going to put my song to Prince's song 1999.....Yep, that's it. I am SOOOOOOOOOO over-the-moon happy about this number. That means if they process 2-3 kids per day, you'll be ready to go get my future goddaughter in NO time flat! Then we'll be able to put a Gotcha Date on that pretty picture frame! I think we should go ahead and start planning a baby shower now..... I'm already working on some new hairbow's for her! Love you!
